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Big I Illinois State Political Action Committee (State PAC) is a bi-partisan state political action committee that supports candidates for and members of the Illinois General Assembly who support the legislative agenda of Big I Illinois.

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Big I Illinois State PAC

The Voice of the Independent Agent, Your State PAC

Big I Illinois State Political Action Committee (State PAC) is a bi-partisan state political action committee that supports candidates for and members of the Illinois General Assembly who support the legislative agenda of Big I Illinois. Supporting Big I Illinois State PAC is one of the most impactful investments in the future of our industry.

The insurance industry has faced a daunting slate of state legislative and regulatory issues recently, making it even more important to help elect and re-elect candidates to office who understand and support our issues. That is why being an active member of the Big I Illinois and supporting our State PAC is vital to the health and sustainability of your agency and our industry. Supporting Big I Illinois State PAC raises our profile with lawmakers involved in these policy decisions and to enhance our advocacy efforts on important issues which affect the well-being of our industry.

State PAC provides us the opportunity to build relationships with elected officials, connect donors with candidates to educate them on issues, provide political information to further good government, and advance our government affairs priorities.

Legislators stand up and take notice of an association with a strong PAC. Besides the funding mechanism, a strong PAC shows that you are committed to participating in the political process. However, we are in need of more support from every agent and every agency.

Unfortunately, contributions to our State Political Action Committee, State PAC, have decreased over the years. Please help us in our efforts to get our PAC back to a competitive level by making a contribution today. No contribution is too small. Now is the time to invest in your association.

While it is always hard to quantify legislative and regulatory victories into improved marketplace conditions, I guarantee you that without our combined efforts Illinois would be a much worse place for agents, brokers and our company partners.

Big I Illinois will continue to be the voice of independent insurance agents and brokers throughout the state. We strive to influence legislation to provide a better product for the consumers and protecting those who sell insurance in the state. We have been successful in our efforts to influence numerous bills with the potential to negatively impact insurance agents and brokers and small business owners. Without continued and increased support to our state political action committee many of these harmful bills would become law.